This tragicomic monologue tells the story of Mafalda Mafalda, a cabaret artist who faces failure and rejection from her audience, including booing and tomatoes. As if that wasn’t enough, she ends up involved in a police mystery. To defend herself against the police inspector’s accusations, she decides to tell the audience her version of the […]
This intervention performed by five acrobats from Kenya is a celebration of African culture. The act has references to the artists’ country of origin, explains Marion Op het Veld, the general director of the company. “The acrobatic style is typically Kenyan: the jumps and human pyramids are always executed at a very fast pace,” she […]
Babel, glöm challenges the limits of strength and balance to discuss the concepts of individuality and collectivity. “The performance is about living together and dealing with differences. We want to explore the tension between ‘being yourself’ and ‘staying together,’” says artist Anouck Le Roy. Babel, glöm means “Babel, forget it”, an invitation, according to Anouck, […]
Backbone deals with the different facets of strength. Physical vigor is displayed in various acrobatic acts that push the limits of the body. Dramatic lighting frames the acrobatic sequences, in which everything seems to be hanging by a thread. Risk is inherent to circus arts and palpable throughout the performance, like when an artist executes […]
Guimarães Rosa’s short story “Third Bank of the River” is the starting point for Bubuia, a free interpretation of the tale in which a man gives up everything to live alone in a canoe in the middle of the river. The performance has elements that instigate children’s imagination and sensory perception. Water buckets and basins […]
Magic is a mixture of wonder and poetry. It happens in the mind of each spectator, opening a new dimension, an extensive universe where the impossible can happen. Magic as we know today dates back to the nineteenth century and is constantly reinventing itself. Objects come to life and are transformed. Visions materialize, appear out […]